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Smith Elementary

Igniting Young Minds to Reach for a Bright Future

Shannon McDermott

About Me

Welcome to Ms. McDermott's class family in room 24 at Smith Elementary! This will be an amazing year, and I am thrilled to be your child's teacher! I feel proud that my students love to come to school and are excited to learn!

This will be my 21st year teaching in Huntington Beach where I have taught 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 3/4 combination classes.  I knew I wanted to become a teacher ever since I was seven, and received my BA from UCSB and my teaching credential from SDSU.  I continued on to get my Masters in Teaching and just simply love to provide a positive learning environment for kids where I can see them thrive and grow.

I love living life to the fullest, and I am enjoying the journey along the way.  Outside of school, I enjoy every minute I can with my boyfriend, Brad, and our Yorkshire Terrier, Harper.  We like going to church, watching college football, paddle boarding, practicing yoga, planning our next adventure, and spending time with his two children and my nieces and nephew- just to name a few!

Welcome To Room 24!

Welcome to the 2022-23 school year!  

I am looking forward to a year full of love, learning, and fun with our class family!

*check canvas for weekly schedule and updated information

The school will be providing supplies for all students. 

*But if you could send your child with corded earbuds/headphones, that would be very much appreciated. 

We can always use extra erasers/ eraser tops.



  • Google Drive is where you have created all of the digital documents live. 

    Link to site:

    Click go to Google Drive or Personal Use
    Username: (ex. Un:
    Password: Last name with capital first letter (ex. Pw: Smith)

  • My email is :

  • As we look at our children's education, parents and educators need to prepare the next generation to be productive contributing members of a global economy and an ever-changing world.  This is creating a shift in education.  While educators have long been focusing on much of what Common Core standards encompass, all educators are now focusing on these elements in their classrooms. 

    The major themes for teachers to focus on are called The 4 Cs:

    • Critical Thinking
    • Communication
    • Collaboration
    • Creativity

    In addition, there will be a shift to nonfiction text materials, incorporation of technology, and students' backing up arguments with "evidence" derived from research.  Another emphasis will be on collaboration with others and on speaking and listening skills.

    What parents can do to help their child succeed:

    • Educate yourself about the new curriculum standards.  Go to and look under Core State Standards.  
    • Engage your child in deeper conversations about what they are learning.  Do not accept one word answers from your child about what is going on at school. 
    • Encourage your child to read nonfiction as well as fiction 

    Please check out this short video, "Why Is Math Different Now?"

    Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)

    The link below will give you more information about Common Core testing.  Students must submit multiple-sentence responses to support their answers during testing.  A student-written essay will also be based on multiple sources and media presented to the student during the test.  You can take a practice test to see what testing will be like.

    Go to the Smarter Balance link:
    Click on "Assessments, "Practice and Training Tests"
    Your child DOES not need a login: Click on "Guest"

    California Department of Education
    Another link to learn more and take a practice Common Core Standards test.

  • Please click below to see an example of the 3rd-grade report card and grading scale.

    HBCSD Report Card


    1. Math homework will be brought home almost every night (unless we have a test...then usually no math homework on that day). Make sure a parent has checked homework before turning in.  Homework must be brought back to school every day for student to receive credit.
    2. Read 15-20 minutes every night
    3. Record time spent on computer programs on the 1/2 sheet that will also be sent home on Monday to be returned on Friday (Jiji cones, Freckle, or ALEKS math)
    4. A couple times a trimester a poem will be sent home on Monday to be practiced and ready to recite on Friday.
  • Log-in Information Below

    Username: lunch (

    Password: 4newmath



  • Recommended School Supply List For 3rd Grade

    • earbuds or headphones for your child
    • expo cleaner wipes/whiteboard cleaner
    • whiteboard pens 
    • Ticonderoga Pencils
    • eraser toppers
    • 3-ring binder pencil pouch (NO pencil boxes allowed)
    • highlighter
    • glue/ glue stick
    • markers
    • loose binder paper for the classroom

    This is a recommended list but not required. 

    • 8:20 - Language Arts  
    • 10:10 - Recess
    • 10:30 - LA/ Math
    • 12:20 - Lunch
    • 1:05- Social Studies/ Science/ Art/Cursive/ CAFE/ PE
    • *Music (F) 9:30-10:10
    • *Library (W) 11:05-11:35
    • *Keyboarding (T) 10:45-11:30
  • Now it's easier than ever to find the perfect books for your child -- shop the online Book Clubs Web site. Plus, you can send your orders to me online and use your credit card to pay.

    It's so simple! Here's how it works:

    • SIGN UP at Click the "Register" button on the parent page in the "First Time Here?" section. Register for your own username and password. When prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation Code MZ8JF. This unique code ensures that your order is sent to me. 
    • SELECT the books you would like to order.
    • SEND your order to me online by the due date (by 9:00 am) and your child's books will be delivered directly to my classroom. 

    Ordering online is fast, easy, and secure.

    Of course, you can still order using the form from the printed flyer. Simply return the order form along with a check made out to 'Scholastic.'

    Please note…there is NEVER any obligation to purchase books!

  • We are excited to introduce Spirit Wear Fridays at Smith! Each and every Friday, send your child to school proudly wearing our school color, navy blue! Better yet, have them wear their spirit wear shirts and gear! We will even have contests by grade level to see who has the most school spirit! The winner each Friday will get to display a school spirit flag outside of their classroom for the following week.

    Last year, every student who participated in the Step It Up program earned a free spirit wear t-shirt with our NEW logo!

    We will have a whole line up of new spirit wear this year with our new logo! Be on the watch for a flyer soon with new shirt and sweatshirt designs, hats, coffee cups, and more! We’ll have spirit wear for kids, for teachers, and for parents too! We can all show our Smith Surfer pride!

    • 5 Frisbees
    • Earbuds/ earphones for kids to use in class
    • HEALTHY snacks for kids that don't have them
    • Amazon gift card
    • Target gift card
    • Any essential oils good for learning


  • BrainPop and BrainPop Jr. is a group of educational websites with over 1,000 short animated movies for students in grades K-12 (ages 6 to 17), together with quizzes and related materials, covering the subjects of science, social studies, English, mathematics, engineering and technology, health, and arts and music.